Boy, this is a tough one. I think she was with us at Clarke. But I'm not sure. Did I ever have any contact with this girl? Not that I recall.
Wendy was a somewhat lanky girl - kind of tall, and very thin. She had a runner's body. Hence she was a member of Mr. Wheeler's track team.
Other than that, I really have no memories of her. I think I may have had her in Mr. Hensel's class in our senior year. But that's it. Oh wait. I think I had her in Ms. Neveau's speech class junior year as well.
As far as I know, Wendy has never left the city of Two Rivers. She married class of 1988's Brian Kohlmeier. In fact, did I have both Brian and Wendy in that speech class? Anyway, I ran into Wendy a few times at at the video store. The two of them rented movies from time to time. In fact, Brian was quite late with a few tapes once. So my boss sent him one of those standard letters which threatens calling the police or taking legal action. He laughed when I told him that Brian was a cop. The letter worked though, and the tapes came back. I believe they live in Two Rivers to this day.
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