Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I first remember Sandy from 5th grade. She and I had Ms. Krause together. We got along pretty good. Although we were never friends or anything. At some point that year, I drew a series of mazes. I believe Sandy was one of the kids who completed all of them, and thus won a pack of gum from me.

I seem to recall Sandy being friends with Dawn Schmidt that year. I could be wrong about that though. But I do have a vague memory of the two of them playing with a Rubik's cube, trying to see which one of them could complete a side first. I think Cindy Rohrer also joined them.

Beyond 5th grade, Sandy and I never had much contact with one another. I never had a problem with her though. She seemed normal enough for me. She certainly never said anything unkind to me.

In high school, I believe Sandy went out for several sports. I want to say she went out for basketball, volleyball and softball. She was probably good at all of them.

After high school, I think I ran into Sandy a couple of times at the video store. I don't think we said much more than "hi" though. For awhile, Sandy lived in Green Bay. She may have attended UWGB. I don't know. I think she may have met her husband in Green Bay as well. Today she is known as Sandy Vancampenhout. One wonders if they enjoy camping out. Ha! I knew they had one child. But based on some very recently obtained information, it now looks like they have at least two children. It looks like they may all live in Two Rivers, with Sandy's parents.

According to Tammy Swoboda (who recently saw her) Sandy felt that she did some nasty things in high school, and was rude to her fellow classmates. Strange, I don't remember her being anything like that. From what I recall, Sandy was pretty nice. But I guess she knows herself better than I do.


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