Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Jennifer is a girl who joined me at Washington.

I think I may have had a few classes with her over the years. But not much stands out, as Jennifer was very, very quiet. I couldn't tell you what her voice sounded like.

Jennifer was a small girl. She was thin as well. She also wore glasses. She had a sort of nerdy look about her.

I would never have pictured her getting married to a guy like fellow graduate Elmer Mikeal. They just seemed like total opposites. But then again, my wife was captain of her cheerleading squad. So perhaps opposites attract. I think they've been married for a long, long time. So they're probably quite happy. The two of them are very involved in their church. It looks like they still live in Two Rivers. Last I knew, they had two kids.

6/18/07 - Yesterday, Kevin Dehne and I stopped in to see Jen and Elmer. They live on a farmhouse with cattle. Although the cattle are owned by someone else. Elmer does have some pigs and chickens though. In fact, he laughed and called himself, "a poor pig farmer."

When we got there, Jen was sleeping. But Elmer went and got her up to see us. Elmer's sort of going bald. But to make up for it, he has big, bushy beard. He joked, and said, "I started losing my hair when I got married." With that remark, Jen slapped him in the arm.

Elmer had a lot of good stories. He mentioned that in high school, he had put some manure on Mr. Wood's front porch. The next school day, Wood apparently made an announcement and said something to the effect of whoever put the manure on my porch, be assured that it is doing well in my garden.

Elmer also had a story about fellow graduate Jim Messman. Elmer didn't care too much for Jim. And he noticed Jim's car at some party once. So Elmer opened up the door and took a piss all over the front seat.

Elmer also said he was in the new Two Rivers High School at one point, and happened to see fellow graduate (and current teacher) Craig Rysticken walk down the hall. As they passed each other, Elmer said, "Hey asshole." Craig shrugged it off and kept walking. But a few seconds later, he turned around and said, "Elmer?"

Elmer and Jen got married in August, 1990. They have two boys. I believe their ages are 16 and 14. Both Elmer and Jen have at least one tattoo each.

Elmer mentioned that he has his own equipment for butchering and processing his own meat - which he uses on some of the pigs he raises.

We snapped several pictures before we left. Kevin got some of their two dogs. I loved the blue-white eyes on one of them. You can see all the photos below.


At Sat Dec 09, 09:10:00 PM PST, Blogger CreativeMuse said...

Jen and Elmer are sort of related to me through Elmer's nephew Brian Mikeal, who is now married to my sister, Amanda. :) I get to see them both on occasion at shared family gatherings. Jen is still quiet. I was really good friends growing up with her sister Gretchen, who now lives in Shawano (married with children). Jen used to hang out with us "youngin's" when we were over at her parents' house. Recently, her mom passed away from complications from ovarian (I think...) cancer. Shout out to Jen, and my condolences on your mom's passing. She was a hoot and always so very, very upbeat and positive (and patient with us yahoos).

Take care,
Monica K
Class of 90


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