Friday, March 24, 2006


I think Sarah was with me at Magee. At the very least, she was at Clarke. Sarah was one of the lucky classmates who got to share every single class with me in 7th grade. I'm sure she was thrilled.

Sarah was a really nice girl. She was cute too. In Mr. Swokowski's art class that year, I got in trouble or something, and was moved from my regular seat, back to a table with Sarah, B.J. Lutterman and Jenny Malley. B.J. was cool as hell. And Jenny and Sarah were hotties. That was one of the best days of my life!

Sarah was involved in theater. She was part of Manitowoc's Peter Quince plays. In fact, I remember seeing her in Grease. She played Frenchy. That was the summer of 1986. Because of her involvement, she knew a lot of people in Manitowc - including some who remembered me before I moved to Two Rivers in 4th grade. Tonya Wergin was one of them. Apparently they would tell Sarah some strange stories about me - which were probably true. Sarah would then relay them back to me.

In our freshman year, I personally thought that Sarah blossomed. Her boobs got to be pretty big. And she looked beautiful - a real woman. I believe I had her in Mrs. Fischer's french class that year. Or was it the language class with her? I don't know. But it was Mrs. Fischer, for sure.

In addition to theater, Sarah had another interesting hobby - shooting a bow and arrow. In fact, she would enter competitions. And I believe she won several of them. She was a great shot.

After freshman year, Sarah moved - I believe to Sheboygan. I haven't seen her since. I always thought she would be famous someday. But Hollywood wasn't meant to be. At one point she planned to go to Sheboygan North after high school. She may have done that. She eventually married, and is now known as Sarah Zeinemann. She and her husband live in Manitowoc, where Sarah has a teaching job at Riverview School.

UPDATE - 1/29/07 - I was able to find a recent photo of Sarah. It's a little bit small. But you can see it below.


At Sat Mar 25, 07:00:00 PM PST, Blogger karmadog said...

Sarah was actually one of my son's teachers last year at Riverview (if you haven't heard, Riverview is now mainstream, all-kindergarten. It's not a "special" school anymore).
Yes, Sarah still looks great.


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